Non Profit Organization Definition, Types, Benefits

There is no single definition of this term that is consistent between jurisdictions. Over 1.8 million professionals use CFI to learn accounting, financial analysis, modeling and more. Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets. World Wide Fund for Nature – promotes wilderness preservation and the reduction of humanity’s footprint on the environment.

  • The organization must be formed “as a trust, a corporation, or an association” to qualify for the 501(c)(3) status, according to the IRS.
  • Then create your organization’s bylaws, which specify how the organization will be structured and governed.
  • In some cases, when emphasis is to be placed on the intention of a nonprofit organization, the term; ‘not-for-profit’ organization is used.
  • Above all, there are some organizations which work to serve, help or support the weaker sections of the society.
  • Speak to an expert who can help you choose an entity that optimizes your tax deductions while serving your overarching goal.

Corporations may donate money, goods, or services to nonprofits as part of their corporate social responsibility initiatives or to support causes that align with their values or mission. In addition, if companies have matching programs, corporations may match individual donations that are automatically withdrawn from paychecks. Nonprofits often rely on individual donors who contribute money, goods, or services to support their mission.


Nonprofits may receive donations of goods or services such as office supplies, equipment, or professional services. Instead of individuals or companies donating money, it may be more efficient to have specific goods donated instead. The National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies include the American Red Cross. They aim to relieve human suffering globally by empowering subordinate organizations to operate within their nation’s borders to provide disaster relief, education, and other related services. A private foundation is typically held by an individual, a family, or a corporation and it obtains most of its income from a small group of donors. Private foundations are subject to stricter rules and regulations than public charities.

In some states, there are differences in how your organization is treated based on whether its goals are charitable or merely social. The board is supposed to be in charge of the charity, not the CEO or Executive Director. Too much power with the CEO/ED could cause suspicion for benefiting private interests. Unscrupulous practices are usually evident when fundraising expenses exceed program expenses.

For this reason, it’s incredibly important to ensure the information reported is correct as it may indirectly negatively impact public perception of the use of donated funds. In general, both organization types are tax-exempt, as the income they earn is not subject to tax. But only with NPOs is the money people give to the organization, as dues or donations, deductible from their taxable income. The terms nonprofit organization (NPO) and not-for-profit organization (NFPO) are sometimes used interchangeably. Converting a for-profit to a nonprofit is a little more difficult, as the IRS wants to discourage businesses from making this move to avoid paying taxes.

  • Tax exemption is not automatic, regardless of the nature of the organization.
  • A board-only organization typically has a self-selected board and a membership whose powers are limited to those delegated to it by the board.
  • “In a nonprofit organization, by contrast, the culture is often more community-minded.
  • Demographic groups that are disenfranchised, such as ethnic minorities, can form nonprofit organizations and develop a collective voice in the polity that is stronger than their voice in traditional representative governments.
  • The organization may be controlled by its members who elect the board of directors, board of governors or board of trustees.

501(c)(4) organizations, which are also nonprofit, are social welfare groups and are permitted to engage in lobbying. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies provides global humanitarian aid during peacetime, such as assisting refugees. The International Committee of the Red Cross provides humanitarian relief for people who are affected by war or other armed conflicts. Because the organization serves the public, it must operate with full transparency.

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According to the IRS, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization must have several distinct characteristics. So how can you be sure your money will be used properly by a nonprofit organization when you donate to them? With an ever-growing number of unscrupulous non-profits competing for your donations, it’s worth knowing just how a 501(c)(3) does (and doesn’t) spend your money. We’ve done some research for you and compiled a list of the 10 most profitable non-profit organizations that are well known to serve the mission they promise to.

non-profit organization

Supporting the development of energy efficiency technologies, programs, and policies. Helping Africans know God and raise their standard of living through orphan care, a widow’s program, and education. For example, you might never notice the donation buckets for your local library, but you would definitely become more aware of the library if it were no longer there for you to use.

Products and services

For example, a nonprofit social club, such as a country club, could be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(7). Above all, there are some organizations which work to serve, help or support the weaker sections of the society. The cause may range from feeding the underprivileged to educating the illiterate, from saving lives to conserving of environment. The management of these organizations is in the hands of a group of persons. Nonprofits often host events such as galas, auctions, or charity runs to raise money and awareness for their cause. These events may involve ticket sales, sponsorships, or auctions of goods or services.

If you like fishing, bird-watching or stamp-collecting as a hobby, they are not-for-profit activities (not ‘nonprofit’ ones). An organization whose purpose is other than profit-making is called a nonprofit organization. The difference between ‘not-for-profit’ and ‘nonprofit’ is explained below. Governments in many jurisdictions, such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, support the causes advanced by these organizations in many ways. They may obtain[4] charitable status and offer tax-deductible receipts for donated capital and assets to attract donors and members.

There are a few reasons why you may wish to change from a nonprofit to a for-profit. Maybe you believe you can get better access loans or other funding by becoming a for-profit. Or maybe you prefer to operate without the regulations that govern nonprofits. Some businesses start as one type of legal entity and later decide to convert to another. This is possible, but it’s a little complicated depending on the types of entities involved. NFPOs are also governed by IRS tax code section 501(c), but depending on their purpose they could fall under a different section, like section 501(c)(7).

Unscrupulous Non-Profit Organizations

While affiliations will not affect a legal status, they may be taken into consideration by legal proceedings as an indication of purpose. Most countries have laws that regulate the establishment and management of NPOs and that require compliance with corporate governance regimes. Most larger organizations are required to publish their financial reports detailing their income and expenditure publicly.

The top 10 most profitable non-profit organizations spend money in efficient and effective ways. While they may run the operation similarly to for-profit businesses, looking at the revenue vs. expenses of these non-profit organizations is a good indicator that your money is spent where it should be. Here is a brief description of the 10 most profitable non-profits and a breakdown of their recent (2019) revenue and expenses. Nonprofits rely on donations, grants, and other sources of funding to operate, which can be unpredictable and inconsistent.